Sunday, March 27, 2005

...but where does it go?

Ah, the second post; slightly less delicious than the first, but that is life.

Now that I've started a blog, I'm not entirely sure what to write. I could just relate my every day experiences; embellished of course. Or do I ponder deep moral questions or ideas? Obviously, I'll probably do both; sometimes mashing the two together. But still, I've pondering what I want to do with the blog.

See, those who know me, should/will not be surprised by this. As even mentioned in my very first post, I overanalyze things. Now, is this a bad thing? I have often pondered this; I always want to better myself, so I try to correct any bad habits. So, what are the pros and cons of overanalyzying (although it'll be done in a non list format)?

Firstly of course, the name implies that it's bad, "OVERanalyzing." I can become obsessed with things that actually don't matter, and I can also waste a lot of time on energy trying to prepare for something that will never happen. On a side note, while I do stress out about things, I like to think that I do it for comedic affect; I have no intention of giving myself a heart-attack, and while I am an energetic guy, I have my moments of serenity. Occasionally too, I don't respond/act due to my thinking, and that's not always good. ALTHOUGH, sometimes me not acting has saved me from embarassment.

Building on that, overanalzying does allow one to see things from EVERY possible angle. Regardless of the consequences of that, there's a certain amount of pride in knowing that "hey, I KNOW what the very worst case scenario is."

And sadly, I have no nice way of tying all this up. I still have a lot of thoughts about this issue, but the post is getting quite long and I think now's a good time to end it (I will most likely post again on a same or related topic). Basically, all I can say is that overanalyzing is a charactersitic of me; sometimes for good, sometimes for bad.

p.s. I'm disapointed in myself as a writer for concluding this post so badly. I doubt you the reader got any laughs or insights from it. I am sorry. But good writing takes practice, and so I shall try and make up for it in future posts.

p.p.s. I don't want to sound stuck up, so I'd just like to add (addressing myself), "it's only a blog, people aren't going to die because you wrote a sub-par post. Go do homework."


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