Friday, September 01, 2006

I'm trying to get back on the horse

Ok y'all, following Becky's example, I'm trying to get back into blogging. Since school is starting, that'll probably help.

I'll leave you with one tidbit: I just got back from CA (I may or may not blog about that). What I did learn is that next time I head there I need to buy and bring a digital camera; I went with disposable and lost many shots :-(

On another note, damn the terrorists for making me unable to bring snowglobes on a plane, thus costing me a wine glass (had to check a bag, wine glass in bag, glass broke).

p.s. lest I get smack thrown at me for the "unsensitive and selfish" final remark, please remember that I am not that shallow
p.p.s. damn the terrorists for making me throw in a disclaimer like that


At 11:47 AM, Blogger Daniel said...

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At 12:10 PM, Blogger Daniel said...

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At 2:57 PM, Blogger Nicki said...

I wish you'd let me know how Nicole CA is doing! Hope OCF is great this year, as usual...

At 5:11 PM, Blogger Daniel said...

Yes, because any post criticizing our government must be "dangerous". Don't let the scary people get us! They don't like Jesus!

At 10:13 PM, Blogger adam said...

Nicole is doing fine.

I didn't see your posts as "dangerous," nor do I think criticizing the government is bad. But, I really didn't care for your comments, and so deleted them. Besides, you were the one who didn't allow ANY types of comments on your old blog, and at one point, if people wished to comment, they [the comments] had to be cleared by you first.

At 6:33 AM, Blogger Dusty said...

Hahaha...what goes around, comes around...

At 1:49 AM, Blogger Daniel said...

Dusty, you do not have much room to speak. Your blog is not exactly a bastion of free speech.

The filters were placed to prevent the posting of distortions and lies. Several people were merely quoting people such as Rush or O'Reilly who have no need for facts. I did my best to allow any and all opinions and statements with factual basis through. If you look through the posts, I put up many comments that I disagreed with.

At 10:28 AM, Blogger adam said...


It doesn't bother me if you decide to allow comments or not on your site. My point is that you can't characterize me as some sort of xenophobe because I deleted some of your comments. You want to keep "distortion and lies" off of your blog, fine; vitriol is usually banned from mine.


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