Tuesday, December 27, 2005

A change in careers?

A part of me wants to be a doctor...to do so would basically require me starting over college. But, if it's what I want to do, it should be done. Doing surgery is out (and thus a lot of options), but I was thinking about perhaps being an ear, nose, and throat doctor.

Still, the thought of a being a teacher is still strong, as is the thought of being a professor.

And once again, the thoughts of being involved in law enforcement a la FBI profiler have been rekindled.



At 7:46 AM, Blogger Nicki said...

You do realize that then you would be dealing with a lot of snotty nosed patients? And mucous and sucking snot out of noses? Believe me when I say that I would rather have blood and guts to deal with than snot and mucous...

At 9:21 AM, Blogger Jaime said...

Wow, that's appetizing...

At 9:49 AM, Blogger adam said...

Yeah, but there's a difference between a person coming in with a snotty nose and examining the body of person who's had their guts sliced open.

Plus, the pay favors the snot.

At 2:55 PM, Blogger Dusty said...

Man are you ever conflicted. I feel sorry for your future wife...if you stay in the same mind-set it seems you'll easily bore of the wife you married and will wonder what if you married the blond instead...

At 10:33 PM, Blogger adam said...

I share that same fear. That actually could become a deeper post on my own thoughts of marriage, and whether or not I see it happening for me. Meh. I'm in too good a mood to be concerned about those deep thoughts.


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