Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Just when I thought the MN Daily A&E section couldn't get any worse...

...they run this article:

What a moron.

I'm seriously tempted to write him a letter, but probably won't. I had the same urge when "Lawrence of Arabia" was reviewd; I got the distinct impression that the writer had no clue that (T.E.) Lawrence was an actual person.


At 6:14 PM, Blogger Daniel said...

That was an insightful, well written essay. Quite frankly, I'm shocked that someone willing to write for the daily could write so well. You are just pissed off because it (very rightfully) takes jabs at suburbanites.

At 10:12 AM, Blogger adam said...

I'm pissed off because I actually like the Harry Potter books, and this guy is turning them into a tool for the political left. These books are something I enjoy, yet he says that I (and about what, half our nation) should hate them. He generalizes all Harry Potter fans by saying,"For years, “Potter” fans have relished these book and film releases as chances to laugh at those who believe the books are evil and inspire devilish witchcraft." I refuse to be lumped in with such vindictive people.

Moreover, his leftist bias is extremely evident in statements like, "The three main characters are a triplet of misfits for whom the left is often sympathetic: Harry is an orphan, Ron is a poor boy in hand-me-down clothes and Hermione is the daughter of nonmagical parents, ridiculed because of her zeal for learning." What, are Republicans or other right-leaning people uncaring towards others?

In addition, the Harry Potter books are not about Harry's fight against suburbia.

This guy is more interested in sticking it to the right than anything else.

At 2:09 PM, Blogger adam said...

Also, instead of using it as a "teaching moment" if you will, all he does is launch into personal attacks and sweeping generalizations.

At 6:14 PM, Blogger Daniel said...

First, yes Republicans are uncaring, otherwise they would not be telling people on food stamps that they can find food just as good in their local dumpster. Or giving huge tax cuts to the rich while cutting programs that people desperately need.

In general, humble protagonists will tend to be left-leaning as they are interested in equality and liberty (leftist issues). As compared to making the rich richer (right-leaning issues).

At 8:54 AM, Blogger adam said...

Ok, this is turning into a political debate which I really don't want to get into.

The fact is, is that Harry Potter is a book series--a children's book series no less--and is meant for entertainment. There are lessons of course to be learned from it, but to read it either as a glorification of witch craft or a manifesto of the political left is to read it in with the wrong mindset: it doesn't fit with the tone.

At 6:12 AM, Blogger Dusty said...

There are many books that generalize and poke fun at particular aspects of our culture. The HP books are just one example and there's nothing wrong with that. What's the difference if an author makes fun of suburban culture or if a guy does a documentary calling most Americans fat (Super Size Me)? Since literature is literature, no one should be surprised to see the HP books poke fun of our culture, this is what good literature does.


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