Saturday, September 10, 2005

Insulted by someone I don't even know (alternatively titled: there's a lot of hate on Frat Row)

Last night, me, Jordan, his brother, and another friend hung out (grammar police, you are not welcome; any posts published will be deleted. Consider this warning eternal). At one point during the night, around midnight, we decide to go on a walk around Dinkytown. This meant walking up Frat Row. In the future, better ways will be taken.

I'm not anti-social by any means, but I hate navigating through loud crowds of slutty girls, punks, drunks, and general idiots for half a dozen blocks. Not worth it. Plus, so many people are angry drunks (well, girls are just plain annoying when trashed, so this refers to guys) that it's most unpleasant to be around them. It doesn't help that practically all these people are freshman too.

Anyways, our quartet was doing our best to get through the masses when one fellow (not a freshman and not drunk but a prick nonetheless) says, "hey, are you guys from Middlebrook?" and then smiles that "I'm-so-cool-and-witty" smile. Now, what exactly was he insinuating? Firstly, he mistook us for freshman. Well truthfully, one of us was, but the rest of use are third or fourth year students. Mildly insulting, but not scathingly. It's more of the Middlebrook thing. Our quartet all has longer/shaggier hair, thus we look like the stereotypical artsy student from that particular dorm. Plus, he was implying that we were gay; another charactersitic associated with Middlebrook. Oh, and it wasn't an innocent case of mistaken identity either (quite sure of that).

We didn't actually start discussing this until after we had passed this guy; we laughed off the comment and kept walking. It had to be discussed because half of our group isn't familiar with the U. Reflecting on it, me and Jordan jokingly thought it would have been a good idea (or at least funny) to pound the snot out of the guy. He had that punkish vibe, and we had had a discussion on how we have to "bring the war to the punks" that very night. See, we're sick of the skinny little arrogant brats who get away with things; we've ran afoul of them one too many times and now it's payback.

So remember readers, next time a punk is giving you crap (perhaps a post on how to identify a punk is forthcoming), just stand your ground, let him take the first swing (thereby making it self-defense), and then mop the floor with 'em. You'll have done a good thing I assure.


At 11:02 PM, Blogger Jaime said...

I'd like to read a post on how to spot a would be quite an educational posting as well as highly entertaining I'm sure.

At 7:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm, I had always assumed that everyone could easily locate a punk when necessary, but I guess not.

At 8:01 AM, Blogger Jaime said...

Not when you live in Pella which is the richest community in Iowa. I've only lived in small towns, not cities such as Minneapolis. I don't believe we have punks around here, nor have I ever had personal contact with one. Bullies maybe, but punks probably not...

At 8:12 PM, Blogger 20db below awesome said...

A punk is as self-centered as bully, but they lack the actual muscle / charisma to accomplish anything. Basically, they wish they were bullies, but deep down they know they are pathetic and decide the best way to solve this is to be... punks.

My loose definition anyway.


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