Thursday, August 25, 2005

A distinct lack of funny

Oh dear readers, I have failed you! There have been far too few updates (many of them humorless), and for this I apologize. In desperation, since I couldn't tickle your funny bones, I was tempted to trigger your gag reflexes, but decided against it. You don't even want to know what I was going to post...

So back to the norm; posting on girls and whatnot. A part of me wants to go to the Rennaisance Festival, find me a nice wench, and have a grande ole tyme [note the use of old word usage and spelling]. But, I don't think I'll get around to it.

Let's see, what else, what else...Oh! Found out about facial toner, saw the Twins lose, and realized that I need to get books, supplies, and clothes for this coming semester.

Speaking of realizations, why is it that they always seem to come at night (for me at least)? Or more specifically, when I'm right about to fall asleep. Take last night for instance; I was hit with this brilliant revelation about self-induced pain and wallowing in pride/self-pity in Dostoevsky novels (side note; Jordan, I found Crime and Punishment and Brothers K, you can borrow them now), and alas, I've forgotten it. Or rather, the eloquence of it. But here goes (the writing in italics denotes sections of my ideas that I've forgotten):

Oh my seems that I've forgotten already. How embarassing. Well, the point was that these characters e.g. Raskolnikov, the Underground Man, etc. can only overcome these problems is by rejecting these un-Christian things. Or rather, that they must exemplify the Christian ideals of humility, meekness, etc. I know all that's rather weak and elementary, but believe you me, what came to me last night was sheer BRILLIANCE. I regret not getting up at 1 AM and cranking out a paper on it.

TTFN all.

[for those of you who didn't watch "Winnie the Pooh," that means "ta-ta for now"]


At 2:35 PM, Blogger Dusty said...

I just finished the movie "Saved!" If you haven't seen it, I would recommend it [it will also give you a glimpse into a modern Calvinistic, Rapture centured Protestant world].

Anyway, it would be interesting to compare how "true Christianity" is found in the movie vs. how "true Christianity" is found in Dostoevsky novels. It would also be interesting to note how Protestant Christianity compares with the early self denial, humility, meek ancient Christianity. Hmmm...sounds like a good senior thesis for a religious studies major. [On a side note, after I finished reading the source book entitled "The Roots of Christian Mysticism" by Olivier Clement, I may just make such a post!]

At 7:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alas, I have a similar blockage in material. The problem is that I can't say anything (juicy) anymore, because there are too many sides reading my blog.


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