Monday, July 04, 2005

Relax, I'm not dead...although we all gotta go sometime

I realize I haven't updated for awhile, and I apologize. See, here's my basic routine for summer:

Wake up between 10-11
Eat, shower
Go to work until 4:30; get home at 5
Do stuff with friends or just vegetate in front of the TV or Computer
Stay up till about midnight; go to bed

And the cycle repeats itself. Thus, blogging has become more like an interruption rather than the adventure into writing that it normally is. Quelle dommage.

BUT...good news is on the way (so on the flip side, that's bad news for excessively pessimistic and negative people). Some ideas are percolating in my mind, so you should be getting your fix of new Adam blogs soon.

Until then, here's an update on life. Last week, went to a Twins game with Daniel. It was pretty cool, and they [the Twins] won! This broke my 19 year record of going to Twins' games and seeing them lose.

Now there were only two bad things about going to the game. One, the overwhelming amount of underage girls. Consequently, slim chances of finding a lady. Two, sports fans. Or rather, loud-mouthed ones.

See excitable readers, there's nothing that bugs me more than heckling. It irritates me to no end. I just feel like to turning around and saying "fine then, get off your a$$ and do what he does. What? Oh that's right, you can't. You're an untalented scum-bag." Maybe not that extreme, but still. Plus, the hecklers are loud and annoying. Nothing like some idiot screaming a player's name as loud as he can, just two rows behind you.

On a final, happy sports related note, I'm actually considering getting a Twins cap. Why is this even something to consider? Several reasons. One, I look bad in hats. Really I do. Something about the shape of my head and the way my face looks just seems to clash with hat wearing. That said, I mean, there's a chance that I might not get one. Meh. Secondly, it's symbolic of me rekindling my love of the Twins (it's basically been dead since the baseball strike; a traumatic experience for a little kid). Thirdly, I do need something to keep the sun out of my eyes; I can't wear sunglasses really because my normal glasses get in the way (and neither the clip on sunglasses nor transitional lenses work for me). Fourthly (is that even a word?), I'm torn about whether to get the "TC" or the "M" style. While the TC is the original, I grew up with the M, so it is a debate.

Until next time, Happy 4th of July!


At 2:42 PM, Blogger Jaime said...

19 years??? 19 years without seeing them win? Now THAT is sad!

At 10:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You think that's bad, I've gone 21 and counting.

At 11:25 AM, Blogger Jaime said...

Anyone ever thought of moving and actually seeing a team win??? Maybe get out of Minnesota every once in awhile? LOL...jk!

At 11:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I've seen plenty of teams win... the other team that is. ;)


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