Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Dawn of a new superhero

Saw "Batman Begins" yesterday.

Oh. My. Goodness.


That said, I think I'm going to try and be a superhero.

Step 1: Get incredibley buff
That's right; time for lots of push-ups and sit-ups (which I've kind of already been doing). Hit a snag last night though; I was doing pushups and after 0nly about 4-5, my wrist started hurting like crazy. Bummer. I think I might have twisted it somehow either playing tennis or shelving a un-godly amount of books lately, because I was doing 20-30 push-ups a day last week. Guess it's my abs that'll get all the treatment!

Speaking of push-ups, I have an off-beat story to tell. Last week, when I was about to begin my regime, I noticed that there was a saw on the floor (I was downstairs mind you, and we've been finishing up a new room down there). Taking the saw, I set it up so the razor sharp teeth were pointing up, and positioned myself above it. Thus, I was ready to go into EXTREME work-out mode! But then I decided I was being rather foolish and moved the saw.

Step 2: Come up with name
Every superhero has a radical and cool name; I must be no exception. So, what's it to be? Now in "Batman Begins," Bruce Wayne chooses the bat because that's what scared him as a kid, and he wants to transfer that fear to criminals. Problem with that approach; for me at least. I'm not really scared of things, but rather ideas and relationships and what not. Somehow I figure "Obsessive Man" or "Exisstential Worry Boy," or just "The Rejection" will not strike terror in the hearts of evil men (and women; children too in some cases). Admittedly, I thought of a cool line to say if I go with the last of those names. I'd be fighting a bad guy on a roof, and then when one of my punches (or kicks) almost sends him off the roof, I grab him and say, "Rejection sucks, but at least you can always count on gravity." And then I drop him.


Ok, that needs tweaking I know. But the lines and theatrics can come after I actually pick a name.

Step 3: Find a suitable job/lifestyle that can accomodate my crime fighting second life
This is tricky. Obviously, rent must be paid and food must be bought. So what's a protector of all that's good in the world to do? My dream of teaching is probably no good; too time consuming. Hmm...what else? Well, I could always, oh, use the money I capture from criminals to support me. Yes, this is a doozy.

There's probably a lot more I'm not taking into consideration, but when I do...just know you can sleep safer at night innocent readers!


At 5:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Skip the job and bring your two sides together. Homeless man. Defeating evil with his stink, cause he hasn't showered in weeks.

At 6:53 PM, Blogger Dusty said...

Save me, save me, oh Homeless-rejection man.

At 6:57 PM, Blogger adam said...

Both your ideas have been considered AND...

Been rejected.


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