Tuesday, June 14, 2005

how dare religion be a part of a wedding

This exerpt is from http://women.msn.com/1193769.armx?GT1=6657, dealing with peoples' gripes about weddings (this happens to be gripe #2):

"I don't like the full-on mass where you have to stand, sit, kneel, and sing for an hour. By the end of my sister's ceremony, I wanted to gouge out my eyes with a hot poker -- we're here to celebrate, not get converted. Unless they're really religious, it's overkill. It's as if they're saying 'Look how married we are.'" -- Anna, 33


Well, maybe not rage, but disgust. Poor wittle baby, can't stand being reverent for an hour. The wedding service is for those about to getting married, not the FREAKING guests. Sorry, don't mean to be so bitter. But just as a heads up, if any of you who share this woman's mindset, you are not going to have a pleasant experience at my wedding (should someday I get married). Or maybe not, we Orthodox just stand for the full hour.

But seriously, this issue of having to spend *gasp* an hour in church is starting to get to me. People will stand for hours, nay days in line to get tickets for games, books, movies, concerts, etc. Or they'll spend hours at said events. But ask them to stand for one hour while you and the person you love are joined in marriage and it's "WHOOOOAAA man, you're asking way too much! Since when did religion have anything to do with marriage?? The only point of a marriage ceremony is the reception afterwards so you can get wasted!"

Argh! Anger! Incredible Hulk time!

I am sorry benevolent readers, it is just that this article is causing me to reflect on a ton of similar issues; it has ignited the proverbial powder keg. So, tis time to take a break and perhaps add more later.


At 6:36 PM, Blogger Jaime said...

I'd have to agree with the people complaining about going to a wedding single. I was just talking to one of my friends about going to weddings and how sad it is to have to go by yourself. What makes it even worse is all the hype about having to have a date which puts the pressure on.

At 10:26 AM, Blogger Dusty said...

What if Nicki and I just elope? Or what if we already have???

At 4:36 PM, Blogger Jaime said...

Hey yeah! You and Nicki should elope so then it would free up all of our calendars. Just like if I were to die you would have me put on ice until a convenient time...I think you should just save us all the trouble of fitting it into our schedules! :)

At 5:31 PM, Blogger adam said...

What bugs me the most Erich, is the line "unless you're very religious." How can you measure that??

Also the line, "we're here to celebrate." How incredibely selfish. I thought when you're invited to oh, a wedding, you're there to congratulate the bridge and groom; you're only there because THEY wanted you to be.

And finally, looking at this issue with religious mindset, this woman's comments just point to the trend of marriages being more and more meaningless in today's society. From an Orthodox perspective (and Catholic/Protestant too of course), their is something special going on spiritually. Marriage after all is a Mystery, and too many people are losing sight of that.

At 8:03 PM, Blogger adam said...

Right right, my bad for not defining "celebrate" better.

At 3:13 PM, Blogger Jaime said...

I think it is true that too many people go just for the "after" party. People get so wrapped up on having fun at their wedding that they forgt their vows. It's easier to get married when you don't take the ceremony seriously, but most likely it'll end in divorce. I think the couples that really do understand what they are about to do are the ones that will last through the good and bad times.

At 10:14 AM, Blogger adam said...



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