Tuesday, May 31, 2005

summer goals

Oooh! Two posts! Sadly folks, your funny bones ain't gonna be tickled by this one. But meh.

So, what are said goals? Here they are:

1. Play tennis. LOTS of tennis. Tennis rocks, and this goal is easily attainable as me, my bro, and a friend all play together, so it's gonna be awesome. Actually, this is what I want a girlfriend for; to play tennis. Forget movies and dinners; the court is where it's at.

2. Play baseball. See above, minus the girlfriend (just don't fit for some reason).

3. Get more in shape. I know what you're all thinking, but let me make it clear; I was not born with this magnificent body. AND I want to make it more magnificent. So, more push ups, sit ups, and the like. Plus, there's an Open House coming up at the end of June that I've been invited to. There's gonna be a pool there. Must...look...GOOD!

4. Increase my intelligence. Yeah, I got a lot of reading to do.

5. Chill. As in, control myself. Decrease the amount of inner turmoil and constant moving while talking, and hey, I'll be good. I'll try and cut out most of those weird "personality"questions e.g. "What Shakespeare character do you think I'm most like," but there'll probably be the occasional one.

6. Learn more life skills around the house. Odd I know. But I really should be learning to cook more, fix more things, help out my parents (especially my dear mum) more.

7. be nicer/more Christ like.

8. come up with more goals. There's a lot of stuff that I want to figure out; what I want to do with my life, finances, traveling, etc. And yeah, I should think things out.

Wish me luck!


At 4:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The amount of goals you have to work on should limit your making a goal to make more goals at this time!

And, I wouldn't worry about Dusty's parents. They are nice people. They have to be since they like me, and I like them too.

The only parents you need to worry about are CA Nicole's, and since chances are likely you will never meet them again, stop the inner dialogue and calmate. Life is good and we all love you anyway!

At 5:23 PM, Blogger adam said...

As stated in above goals, yes, the inner dialogue/conflict is getting phased out.

However, I have not lost hope in redeeming myself in Nicole's mother's eyes!

At 8:18 PM, Blogger adam said...

Nicole is the girl from California. She was at OCF last year but then transfered back home. Long brown hair? Chipper personality? Totally unprepared for Minnesota winter?

I kid on the last one...sort of.

Excellent Erich, I shall have to give you a call sometime. The only roadblock is our locations.

At 1:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's after her mom.


At 10:52 AM, Blogger adam said...

Hmmm...goal #9...kill Jordan and Erich...

At 3:31 PM, Blogger Nicki said...


At 7:47 AM, Blogger Dusty said...

If you're going after CA Nicole's mom, I hope you're ready for a long distance relationship. I can tell you from experience, it's not as much fun as "Sleepless in Seattle" makes it out to be.

At 7:48 AM, Blogger Dusty said...

On second thought, along with the mature type usually comes jobs and money, so perhaps you can fly back and forth to see eachother every weekend on her bill.

At 9:43 AM, Blogger adam said...

To one and all, I am not going after Nicole's mom.


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