Saturday, May 14, 2005

New teaching experience

Quick little update, I am going to be getting some more hours done for my teaching experience. I'll be helping out at St. Anthony High School, and I'm a TA for some World History courses. I sadly won't be getting a chance to actually teach, but I'll be correcting work and helping out when I can, so it is not a total loss. Plus, I can always (hopefully) interject little, unknown facts about certain subjects.

Oh, my goals from the previous post, viewing Sin City and Kingdom of Heaven were accomplished! Two days ago, my brother and I went to view the former, with a little bit of excitement on the highway (I cut over like 3 lanes...twice). But, we arrived safe and sound. The movie was very cool, although a bit violent. Who am I kidding; it wasn't "a bit," it was A LOT. But still, interesting story, cool cinematography, good characters, etc. Last night, it was Kingdom's time. Same duo, except add on another friend, so it was a trio. Not a bad movie; I think Gladiator was better though. Some of the messages irked me; the whole "oh, we're really all just the same and religion is bad blah blah blah." I mean, you can make those points, but I'm sick of seing these epic movies where the main characters are clearly thinking/speaking with a 21st Century mindset. I wish I could elaborate on that more; I guess it's something that I feel and can tell rather than explain.

Biggest news! School is done! Had my one and only final on Friday in Dostoevsky; good vibes from it. For the last essay, one of the options was to outline a Dostoevskian like story; I started too but couldn't bring it together so I wrote on "doubling." For those interested in knowing (even if you're NOT, you're gonna have to read it anyways), the plot was going to revolve around some college students. Well, one student, whom I named Kevin, was interested in becoming the "student-teacher;" being sick of the "Teacher-student." How does one achieve this position? Fail a Final.

p.s. If you haven't read "The Possessed" aka "Demons" aka "Devils," the humor of that is going to be lost on you.

p.p.s. I was going to call the story "Tests and Grades." Can you guess the connection??!!

Finally, I did something today that I have not done in a long time; slept until noon.

Regretably, I have nothing funny to add. Pity.


At 1:10 PM, Blogger adam said...

Bravo! Give yourself a pat on the back!


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