Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Certain joys of driving

Lately, I've hated driving. With a certain degree of passion, one might say. Basically, I'm fed up with drivers being jerks.

Fortunately, there are certain things that make driving enjoyable. Like driving barefoot. It is one of the coolest things ever, and you truely become one with your vehicle. Perfection at the zen level even.
Or something like that (I'm not that familiar with Eastern religious ideas).

Now being summer, there's the eternal debate of AC vs window. What is one to do? On the one hand, AC can be quite cool, but you lose the summer experience of the wind blowing through your hair. Plus, you don't accelerate as fast (which is a necessity when you're on the freeway). However, you really can't listen to music too well when the windows are rolled down; too noisy. And lets be honest folks, listening to tunes is definitely part of those lazy day summers. Yet, those aesthetic pleasures play second fiddle to staying cool. If it's 90 degrees with no wind, then it's windows up. So basically, when I'm traveling fast I go with the AC (after I've merged of course); if I'm on side roads just chilling, it's windows down. The only exception is when a Kelly Clarkson song or Gwen Stefani's "I ain't no hollaback girl" comes on, then it's windows up and AC on.

On that note, it's cool when there's nobody else on the road (or if there are other cars, they're way far away from you) to start driving to the song that's on the radio. You know what I'm talking about, jerking the car to the right [or the left] at a particularily rocking part. Yeah, nothing like listening to KQ92 and making my Malibu groove to classic rock.

But drive easy readers, I am a safe driver (no accidents), so despite these oddities, I'm perfectly fine to ride with. Plus, I don't even talk on the cell phone. A pox upon those of you who do!


At 12:34 PM, Blogger Jaime said...

I guess I don't have to worry about the decision of AC or not given that I don't have AC in my car (rather Dustin's car...maybe he should fix it for me!! lol).

Anyway, there is nothing like driving in the summer time...I'll agree with that. I love driving by the lake on a sunny day with the radio turned up. It really makes any day better and the view is so awesome. Hopefully it'll be a sunny day on Sat. so Nicki can enjoy the awesome view driving by the lake. (If she can follow my directions! lol)

At 3:30 PM, Blogger Nicki said...

Thanks for the directions Jaime. If I can follow the book you wrote me, I may be able to meet you this weekend-and for all my freinds out there, I will be in Iowa this weekend camping with the 'den'. That is, if I can follow the directions I was sent...

At 10:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Adam, I do believe you're infringing on my bare footed driving techniques. But I think you give too little mention to the joys of barefooted driving. It is, quite simply, the best thing you can do while driving your car in the summer. Why just today I drove about 150 miles barefooted. It's amazing, it just takes the suckiness out of driving for 2 hours.

At 5:00 PM, Blogger adam said...

Bah, I've been driving barefoot ever since I first learned to drive.

You are right in me not elaborating on the barefootedness, but really, the lesson that it teaches is "less is more," so is there anything more to say other than it rocks?


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