Monday, July 04, 2005

New movie viewing experience

Last weekend, I went and saw "Land of the Dead." For those unfamiliar with the world of cinema, the basic idea of it is that there's been a zombie apocalypse, and now humanity is holed up in cities. There are the occasional raids into zombie-infested lands for supplies. Then of course, the zombies get it in their head to go and attack the city. Havoc [and gore] ensue. Why? Why would I see such a flick you ask? I honestly can't say. I'm not much of a horror/gore kind of a guy, so this isn't my type of movie. Yet, for some odd and pecuilar reason, I wanted to go see it. So, when my friends and brother bailed on me (we were going to see "War of the Worlds," which we did later but I digress), I thought, "Adam my boy, you wanted to see a movie today, so by golly, you're GOING to see a movie today." Hopping into my car, I headed off to the movie theater.

Now when I got there, the was a strong pull towards Land of the Dead (Land). An evil part of me wanted to just go see War of the Worlds, but my good part prevailed. "Cinderalla Man" looked good, but the next showing was two hours later, so that was out. "Rebound?" Mmm...nah. So, I strode up to the ticket-teller (or whatever you call the people who see the tickets), and in a cheerful yet firm voice said, "One for Land of the Dead at 5:20 please." Then I had to say it again because the little microphone that you're supposed to speak into was broken, so the teller didn't hear what I said. Thus, 20 seconds later and four dollars poorer, I was clutching my neon-orange ticked for that Zombie picture.

The movie was...interesting. There was good and bad. Kudos to killing a midget. Well, elaborating on that point, there's this evil midget who tries to kill the hero, so the hero's friend (who's a bit mentally handicapped) plugs him in the head when the midget is trying to run away (it was a really good shot). Good times.

Now there was gore and blood. Scatch that; there was an EXTREME amount of such stuff. I don't feel like going into detail; it makes me feel quesy. And actually, the movie has affected my eating habits. Even up to this day.

Another thing that I got out of this movie is that you have to be really stupid get eaten. I mean seriously, the IQ of a lot of these survivors must be pretty close to nothing. That, or their 5 senses are non-existent.

On a final note, apparantly, this movie is an allegory for the war in Iraq. That said, it's a very crappy analogy. Also, the movie ends with our "hero," when faced with the choice of blowing up some zombies who are walking away, he says [sic], "they're looking for a place, just like us." Yeah, except the zombies are undoubtedly looking for a place where they can eat more people.
p.s. if anybody knows, did I use that "sic" thing right?

In conclusion, I'm glad (and I use that term loosely) that I saw it. The movie had its moments, and there were actually some good elements in the story. I give it 6.5 out of 10.

Oh, should a zombie apocalypse ever occur, I'm sure I'd survive it. Any of you readers are more than welcome to come with me and start a new civilization.


At 3:35 PM, Blogger Nicki said...

[sic] as I recently learned myself is when you are directly quoting something and it was stated or written incorrectly, i.e. 'Their [sic] 2 of my best friends.' If that helps at all. (I think!)

At 4:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, you've obviously never watched 28 days later. Those zombies were FAST. And what they lacked in brain power they made up for in pure numbers.

At 7:09 PM, Blogger adam said...

Yeah, I have no clue how one gets caught. I could see it if you're trapped in a confined space, but yeah, I know I wouldn't get eaten.

Now in 28 Days Later, that's a whole different ball game. Not sure how well I'd do against them, but tell, is the only way to kill those zombies is by destroying their head/brain? Can a good torso shot do the trick?

And yes, I do watch Angel from time to time.

At 4:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seemed that you had to mess them up pretty bad, to get them to stop eating you.


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