Saturday, August 27, 2005

The poison that is post-modern architecture

For those unawares, the Guthrie Theater is moving to a new location, with a new facility to boot. My beef is not with the move (it's actually moving closer to where I live), rather with the new building. There are so many words that can be used to describe the noveau structure..."crap," "eye-sore," "monstrosity," "piece of garbage ," etc.

Why do I hate it so? Because it is yet another hideous post-modern style building. You all know how I feel about pomo architecture; as soon as I get the power, there will be a righteous crusade to wipe out most of it. That's right, see in you hell Walker Art Center, Weisman Art Musuem, new Guthrie, and ugly piece of metal near the Alumni Center. Seriously, post-modern architecture has to be modeled on's how a conversation between two architects must go:

"Hey Bob"
"Hi Dave, how was your weekend?"
"Oh man, I had the worst hangover EVER. I was puking my guts out every 10 minutes"
"Yeah, but at least it inspired me. I just imagined my puke in metal form and BOOM! A new design!"
"Radical! Did you make any sketches??"
"You bet I did!"

Or something to that effect. And if not, then all they do is steal hand-drawn pictures done by kindergartners.


At 8:59 AM, Blogger Dusty said...

We should get together and start a new city. An Orthodox City with nothing but Ionic, Attic, and Corinthian Architecture allowed. It'd be awesome and magnificant!

At 11:04 AM, Blogger Dusty said...

Wow. You're getting spammed like I did. You might want to consider word verification in order to cut back on the spam.

At 4:10 PM, Blogger adam said...

Gah! They DARE to spam me??

Oh well, I guess my time was due...

At 8:36 AM, Blogger Dusty said...

You should check that link out for what Orthodoxy has said about Calvinism. It's the Confession of Dositheus. I thought you'd be interested since you were trying to find books to read about Calvinism.

P.S. you can also check out the OCF forum, I believe we had a post about Calvinism on there.

At 6:14 PM, Blogger adam said...

Hmm...thanks for the link, but it didn't work when I tried it.

Oh, and while I like the idea, I wouldn't want to limit it just to Greek long as it looks nice is all that I care about.

At 7:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

For lo, a darkness was over the land. And it was modern architecture. And the people wailed and lamented for they knew they were forsaken.

At 9:35 AM, Blogger Dusty said...

For lo, a darkness was over the land. And it was not Greek Architecture. And the people wailed and lamented for they knew they were forsaken.

At 5:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, I saw it today. It's cool I guess.

If you were shopping at an ikea that is.

At 11:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the poison that is ignorant anti-progress bloggers...

At 9:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You graduate types obviously read/write way too many papers.

At 9:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way, Think about it like this: Look at one of the old cathedrals (In Europe that is), or for that matter any older building around Minneapolis. Now look at the Guthrie Theater and the like.

Which one do you look at twice? Which one is awe inspiring?

All I know is that I didn't even need to look at the Guthrie again, because it had nothing to offer.


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