Rubbing elbows with a movie star
A fine hello to all of you, dear readers! Well, one my goals in life (or at least something I thought about on occasion)--to get a movie star's autograph--happened today. That's right, Bruce Campbell signed a book of mine!
As a bit of backround, Bruce has written two books, If Chins Could Kill; Confessions of a B Movie Star and How to Make Love the Bruce Campbell Way. The bookstore in Coffman was selling both of them for on July 27th (today), Bruce was going to be signing books. Now I've been a fan of his for quite some time. He was in a great yet short lived TV show "The Adventures of Brisco County Jr.," and was in a few episodes of "Hercules: The Legendary Journeys" and "Xena: Warrior Princess" (I watched Hercules, but not really Xena; just stating his resume). He's mainly known for his role as Ash, hero of "Evil Dead" and "Army of Darkness" (I've not seen either). Most recently, he was in "Bubba Hotep," which is a terrific film. This, combined with the fact that his books are hilarious (I perused them quickly), I bought Chins and patiently awaited this day.
Now I won't go into detail about the waiting in line. It was boring; not much more can be said. I caught the occasional wiff of marijuana, but that was it. I waited in line for about an hour (I could've been out of there faster, but that would entail a boring stroy), and then I approached the signing table. Hello's were exchanged between Bruce and I, and then I noticed he was left-handed, so I said "oh cool, a lefty." He replies, "you a lefty too? You know something, only leftys have mentioned that...the righties don't give a shit."
So yes happy readers, I too am happy...and will stay that way for quite some time. Until then, back to reading my autographed book!