Nothing quite like an end of the year party with close friends, is there? Last night happened to be just that, and there was much revelry and fun to be had for all. So, where to begin...?
*Note: I have withheld names and identities due to soon-to-be-obvious reasons. However, most of you read this will know who I'm talking about anyway*
To begin with, the ride over to Monsieur D***'s house (our host for the evening) was pleasant; me and my bro cruising while listening to Weezer. I think my trendy Hawaiin shirt (black and dark brown with pineapples as decoration) added to the atmoshpere too.
We arrived, and there was a little bit of downtime before the grand festivites began i.e. chatting, pool, snacking, etc. When we all had gathered into the kitchen when two friends began a tale; a tale of treachery and deceit. Before I go into details, I just want to make the comment that the presentation of said story was sub-par; I could have so told it better. Now, on to the details. These two friends, a boy and a girl, who are going out, apparantly did not start off that way. As it turned out, their "dating" was just a hoax! A trick! Tom-foolery! That's right gentle readers; two of my (and yours) closest friends were deceiving me (and you)! But, it is all good; they are officially going out. I am debating whether or not to plan some sort of revenge....but probably not. After all, what started as trick ended up as I (and a few others) had forseen.
After this, or rather while it was going on, the wine started to be uncorked. Sweet innocent readers, I shall be blunt; there were alcoholic beverages present. Aside from various kinds of wine, there was a plentiful variety of beers, vodka, and miscellaneous liquids. However, no evil arose from it, so all is well. In addition, there was plent of non-alcoholic drinks, as well as water and snacks. Now, here's Adam's opinion on what I tried (in mostly chronological order), so YOU can learn too:
1. Leinschwghlkhlazk (some beer; it was a lager and a "light" one too): bad, I didn't even finish the bottle.
2. a shot of whiskey ("quality" no less): extremely unpleasant. It didn't burn, but it obliterated any molecule of sweet/pleasant taste in my mouth.
3. Arbor Mist wine: ah, nectar of the gods I am sure! Third on the list, but first in my heart! I had a good number of glasses of this fine tasting wine throughout the night. It did start to not taste so pleasant towards the end, but hey.
4. various wines e.g. Fat Bastard, and some other stuff with French or Spanish names: the Fat Bastard was bad, not a fan. Some of the other stuff was pretty good, but again, nothing could touch the Arbor Mist.
5. a mohito (bacardi, water, lime, or something along those lines): not too bad. While I did like the lemon-limeyness, the bacardi really didn't do it for me.
6. Guiness: oy, not good. I was told by one of my friends that drinking Guiness is like drinking bread. Well to me, that "bread" must be moldy and have gone stale. My apologies to the one friend who I promised I'd drink a bottle in honor of him (I had help finishing mine).
7. a shot of vodka: ach! vile! VILE!
V-I-L-E! I did make it worse on myself; I couldn't down my shot (felt like gaggging) so I held it in my mouth. Compounded with the fact that one of my friends made sure I had a bigger-than-normal dose, I was pretty miserable for quite some time. I managed to get it down (I contemplated spewing it, but got it down), but yeah, a terrible and scarring experience. After swallowing, I drank a bunch of water and munched on pretzels/chips for a long time.
*Adam is at his most "tipsy-ness" at this point. I felt happy, dizzy, extremely tired, and this was also evidenced by the fact that I dropped my can of pop, my Guiness, hit the railing while going up stairs, and having a sort of difficult time reading stuff. Really wasn't drunk, but slightly buzzed.
8. a pleasant conglomerate of root-beer, milk, lots of ice, and a tiny bit of cognac: good, although the cognac kind of ruined the taste for me
9. a bit of apple vodka: not as horrid as the vodka before, but still horrid
10. a glass of Sangria: quite good...perhaps better than the Arbor Mist but to be honest, I can't quite remember.
In sum, all beers equal bad. Hard liquor equals bad. About half of wines equal bad. Sweeter wines like Arbor Mist and stuff along the lines of Sangria equal good.
Side note, I was told to "chug things" or "drink it all, you'll get used to it" but I disregarded that. Drinking a lot of something that makes me want to spit it out anyways will not make me appreciate it more.
Conversations with all party-goers was undeniably excellent.
Now, SOME friends had a wee bit too much to drink. Which is alright; it wasn't extreme. One friend bowed down and worshiped the porcelain god today, and that was humorous. VERY humorous. Mad props to myself for no hangover (given that I wasn't drunk, not surprising).
And that's all I can think of right now. It was seriously a great time, and it's nice to just kick back and relax with good company.